Индекс волатильности CBOE График VIX TradingView

Спрос на безрисковые активы показывает разницу между доходностью государственных облигаций и акций США за последние 20 торговых дней.…

Forex CFD торговля Биткоины, индексы, нефть, золото

А еще через год количество совершенных клиентами ордеров составило 10 миллионов единиц. С 2012 года был введен сервис ПАММ-торговли для…

Index Principles of Accounting, Volume 1: Financial Accounting

At his first meeting with Marilyn, Joe asks her for an overview of accounting, financial statements, and the need for accounting software. Based on Joe’s business plan, Marilyn sees that there will likely be thousands of transactions each…

What Is a Financial Ratio? The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Financial Ratios

Equity turnover is the ratio of Total Revenue to the Shareholder’s Equity Capital. This ratio measures how efficient the company is deploying equity to generate sales. The asset turnover ratio is a comparison of sales to total assets. This…

Букмекерські контори без паспорта та верифікації « FF BET

Она необходима для полноценной игры на легальном сервисе. Осуществляется идентификация посредством загрузки документов (паспорта),…

Relapse Prevention PMC

The therapist therefore planned to improve his motivation for seeking help and changing his perspective about his confidence (motivational interviewing). Each of the five stages that a person passes through are characterized as having specific…

How to Keep Urine Warm for a Drug Test 3 Simple Steps

I figured maybe adding some heat and stirring it up would solve the problem, but after another hour at a temp of about 105F I still couldn't get the sediment to reintegrate. Remember, the information provided in this article serves as a general…

Consolidated Financial Statements: Requirements and Examples

DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent entities. DTTL (also referred to as "Deloitte Global") does not provide services to clients. In the United States, Deloitte refers to one or more of the US member firms…

Bookkeeping Services in San Jose, CA

It’s this personalized approach that sets us apart and has kept clients coming back year after year. Aenten is the leading online Accounting & Bookkeeping for small businesses in online bookkeeping every industry. Our services enable…